Sunday, June 22, 2008

Anderson- The Long Tail

Just a quick story first. I had to interview a cataloger for my cataloging class and having very limited experience, I sought out our County library's head cataloger. She was very informative but said one thing that really stood out- you will never catalog the same book in the same way you did six months ago. That made me think about what Anderson had to say about DDS and books getting "lost". Why did I bring this up? Oh yeah, I thought a question should have been posed about the how we display our collections, how we decide to put certain books in one area vs. another. But I digress....

In the latter chapters of the long tail, I enjoyed the discuss of less is more, or is bigger=better. I tend to agree with a bigger collection = a better one. Limited collections in any store, unless they are specialty stores, make me think of the days of the Little House of the Prairie's General Store when I want the Sears catalog! I work in a small library with limited funds and space but I do try to make sure that we have a diverse collection because I feel that choice is important.

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