Sunday, June 29, 2008


And I find myself up on the fence once again. Are video games and tv bad for you? do they make you smarter? are you smarter than a 5th grader? are the internets (infamous new word that Webster should consider) making us dumber? well... back in my day we didn't have the internet and look how well I turned out! wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's start with the Internet- um information at your fingertips- greatest invention ever! The internet has allowed us to expand our horizons. We can create content or just read it, post a blog and share our opinion or just read someone else's. Internet= limitless opportunities

TV- PBS, history channel, fox. cbs, cnn, discovery = all on tv. Sure there's crap out there (yes, Jackass-you!) TV has a lot of different types of programs and it's up to the viewer to choose carefully.

I happen to be an avid reader but there are others out there that prefer tv and there's nothing wrong with that! If I pick up a trashy romance novel and someone else watches a documentary on global warming- who's going to come away with more knowledge- not me and Fabio (dude on the book cover of trashy romance)

video games- I'm not a big fan but a lot of these games allow the user to create complex content and allow for ample imagination. I think the people in who play online/interactive games are much better than those of us who played the ping pong paddles with intelevision.

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