Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I'm only up to page 70ish but I'll start with some comments

-interesting language

-the one girl wants her lesions to create a "necklace"

-For a few minutes I thought that it might be cool to have a feed, this way I would have info. at my fingertips (or faster as stated in the book). I changed my mind very quickly when the kids wound up in the hospital as a result of being assaulted (getting their brains hacked).

-Last but not least, my favorite part from the chapter "Missing the Feed"- "I missed the feed....You can look things up if you wanted to know which battles of the Civil War George Washington fought in and shit." I think Titus needs to subscribe to the History Channel feed.


Anonymous said...

My thoughts initially on the lesions were that they couldn't possibly mean lesions, as in broken patches of skin! I quickly realized that, yes, they were in fact broken patches of skin.

Titus certainly needs a History Channel feed.

We Love Books said...

Kerri, you made some excellent points here. Titus is really an ignoramus, but he should at least know better than to pair the Civil War with George Washington, because his friend, Link, is a clone of Lincoln. Also, although I believe that having a feed implanted is creepy, invasive, and too noisy, I did not really think about the possibility of human brains being hacked. Good point and one more reason to keep feeds on the outside of our bodies.